

Burzum "Burzum" 1992
Deathlike Silence Productions

Burzum 1992


[Side Hate]

Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown
Ea, Lord Of The Depths
Black Spell Of Destruction
Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God

[Side Winter]

The Crying Orc
A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
My Journey To The Stars
Dungeons Of Darkness


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Recorded Mid-Winter 1992 during Full Moon at Grieghallen
Engineered and Mastered by Pytten
Produced by Pytten and Count Grishnackh
Co-Producer Euronymous
Guitar solo on "War", gong on "Dungeons of Darkness" by Euronymous
Cover by Jannicke Wiise-Hansen (artwork is a partial re-creation of "The Temple of Elemental Evil's" adventure RPG cover art)
Words for "Ea, Lord of the Deeps" taken from the "Necronomicon" (Book of the Dead) by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
Released in March 1992

Comments: Euronymous made a mistake in the tracklist and typed up "Ea, Lord Of The Deeps" instead of "Ea, Lord Of The Depths". Also in the lyrics for "Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown" he typed up "The Hopeless Soul Keeps Waiting" instead of "The Hopeless Soul Keeps Mating". And in "My Journey To The Stars" (in the first line) "I materialize..." instead of "I immaterialize...". This debut album was re-released on CD by Misanthropy Records in 1995 with "Aske" mini-LP (as a bonus).

© 1992 Deathlike Silence Productions


Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown
September 1991

In the Air
Above a Cold Lake
Is a Soul
From an Early
Better Age
Grasping for
A Mystic Thought
In Vain...but Who's to Know
Further on Lies Eternal Search
For Theories to Lift the Gate
Only Locks Are Made Stronger
And More Keys Lost as Logic Fades
In the Pool of Dreams the Water Darkens
For the Soul That's Tired of Search
As Years Pass by
The Aura Drops
As Less and Less
Feelings Touch
Has Won too Much
The Hopeless Soul Keeps Mating

Ea, Lord Of The Depths
November 1991

The Head is a Head of a Serpent
From its Nostrils Mucus Trickles...
The Ears Are those of a Basilisk
His Horns Are Twisted into three Curls
The Body is a Sun Fish, Full of Stars
The Base of His Feet Are Claws
His Name Is Sassu Wunnu
A Sea Monster. A Form of Ea

Black Spell Of Destruction
July 1991

Hear my Sword
...in the Making
Of my Spell
Damkuna, Iftraga
Sheb Nigurepur, Dafast
The World's Tragedy, Is Served at My Feast

Channelling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
May 1991

Worship me

October 1991

This is War
I Lie Wounded on Wintery Ground
With Hundred of Corpses around
Many Wounded Crawl Helplessly around
On the Blood Red Snowy Ground
Cries of the (ha, ha) Suffering Sound
Cries for Help to All Their Dear Moms
Many Hours of Music
Many Drops of Blood
Many Shiverings and Now I Am Dead
And Still We Must Never Give up

The Crying Orc
March 1991


A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
September 1991

The Fire in the Sky is Extinguished
Blue Waters no Longer Cry
The Dancing of Trees Has Stopped
The Stream of Freshness from Cold Winds
Exists no Longer
The Rain Has Stopped to Drip
From the Sky
Still Dripping Exists
From the Veins of a Nearly Dead Boy
Once There Was Hatred
Once There Was Cold
There is Only
A Dark Stone Tomb
With an Altar
An Altar which
Serves As a Bed
A Bed of Eternal Sleep
The Dreams of the Human in Sleep
Are Dreams of Relief
A Gate out of Hell
Into the Void of Death
Yet Undisturbed
The Human Sleep
And One Day
Will the Grave Be Unlocked
And the Soul
Must Return to His World
But This Time as
A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
To Haunt

My Journey To The Stars
January 1992

I Immaterialize
And Slowly Drift
Into the Unknown
With the Cold Winds with Soul
The Wintery Plains Lie Untouched
I Ride on My Elements
Towards the Stars Unseen
A Quest
For Knowledge
In the
Stench Intensifies
As I
Near a Spectral Sphere
After a Hundred
Men's Lifetime
In Analyzing
I learn
To Consume
The Sphere
Of Immense Power
And To
Become Immortal
Darkness Hate and Winter
Rules the Earth when I Return
Between Races
A Goal Is Reached
Chaos, Hate

Dungeons Of Darkness
January 1992


In other languages: Italiano

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